Mitigating information security risks during lockdown

Many staff have had to adapt to new ways of working in response to the current Covid-19 situation, which has seen increased home working as staff adjust to new ways of working or take on new roles. Working practices have had to change in response, changes which bring about new opportunities but also risks.
Local authorities can do a lot to help their staff understand and mitigate risks by raising awareness of data protection issues associated with home working and the importance of being extra vigilant during this time.

Leeds City Council can provide a ‘peace of mind’ solution through its online data protection e-Learning course suitable for all staff. The e-Learning course includes modules, assessments and guidance on working from home, creating strong passwords, reporting incidents and how to defend your organisation against phishing incidents and much more.

This is a key time for managers to review their current training provision and identify new training courses which will help improve skills and expertise, particularly in relation to information security and data protection.

If you would like further information, please contact IG Solutions, Leeds City Council E:







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